Elevating Your Law Firm Blog: Attracting and Engaging Readers

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

Let’s be honest, blogging is hard work. It takes time, effort and creativity. And after all of this hard work, you want something to show for it–new business, increased visibility and maybe even some guest blog requests. Or at the very least, you want readers and lots of them. 

In this article, we’re here to walk you through various strategies and tactics to help you elevate your law firm blog. We’ll explore the importance of sharing your content with new clients, the potential of your email signature, the magic of leveraging social media and the art of creating engaging and humor-infused content.

Automatically Subscribe New Clients

Let’s start with one of the most effective ways to boost your blog’s readership: subscribing new clients to your blog recipients list. We understand that not all your clients may be eager readers of your blog, but many of them hired you as their attorney because they value your expertise. Here’s how to put this strategy into action:

  • Opt-In by Default: Most blogging platforms offer an opt-in feature by default. Use it to your advantage. When clients provide their contact information, you can add them to your subscription list unless they actively opt-out. (Before putting this into practice, be sure to refer to your state’s privacy laws and consider adding a note in your retainer agreement sharing that your new client will be added to this distribution list with opt-out instructions.) 
  • Make It a Standard Practice: As soon as you receive a new client’s contact information, consider it standard practice to subscribe them to your blog. This ensures they receive timely updates and insights from your firm.
  • Unsubscribe Option: Of course, it’s crucial to respect your clients’ preferences. If they find your blog posts uninteresting or no longer relevant, make sure your email communications include an easy option for them to unsubscribe.

Leverage Your Email Signature

Now, let’s consider your email signature—a hidden gem for blog promotion. It’s an unobtrusive yet powerful tool to let people know about your blog. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Incorporate a Blog Link: Include a direct link to your blog in your email signature. This is a subtle but effective way to promote your work without coming across as pushy.
  • Consistency Matters: Make sure that every email you send acts as a gentle reminder about your blog’s existence. Over time, this can lead to increased readership.

Harness the Power of Social Media

The dynamic world of social media is a game-changer when it comes to expanding your blog’s reach. Active engagement on these platforms can help you reach a broader audience and attract more readers:

  • Tweet and Share: Share news about your latest blog entries on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Let your followers know about your recent posts, sparking their interest and driving traffic to your blog.
  • LinkedIn Integration: Ensure that your blog feed is integrated with your LinkedIn account. This means your professional network can easily access your blog content, increasing its visibility among fellow legal professionals.
  • Social Sharing Tools: Don’t forget to integrate social sharing tools into your blog platform. This enables visitors to share your content effortlessly with their friends and followers, extending your blog’s reach.

Create Engaging Content

While promoting your blog is crucial, the heart of your blog’s success lies in its content. It’s not just about being interesting; sometimes, you need to be willing to take a stance to stand out. Here’s how to do it:

  • Timeliness: Your blog posts must be engaging and timely. Nobody wants to read yesterday’s news. Ensure your content remains relevant and addresses current legal topics.
  • Don’t Shy Away from Hot-Button Issues: There will be moments when you may want to express strong opinions about various matters, whether it’s a new city school board policy or an ABA section recommendation. Don’t be afraid to take a stance and voice your views.
  • Infuse Humor: Inject humor into your blog posts. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good chuckle? Viral content often contains elements of humor, so use it to engage and entertain your readers.

In summary, elevating your law firm blog requires a multi-faceted approach. By implementing these tactics, you can elevate your blog’s readership and engagement, ultimately achieving your goals of increased visibility, new business and a dedicated readership.

Remember, while blogging may be hard work, with the right strategies in place, it can be a highly rewarding endeavor for your law firm. We’re here to help you navigate the world of legal blogging and turn it into a powerful tool for your practice.

About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.